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[Xen-users] Re: More complex Xen Networking, with VLANs and maybe with VDE 2... but how?!

Thiago Camargo Martins Cordeiro <thiagocmartinsc@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

> How to create a VLAN to a domU and it (VLAN) be available in all
> Hypervisor, so I can move a domu, when necessary, without moving its VLAN in
> the switch?
> All VLANs need to be at all doors? In the case of a move of a domu from the
> Hypervisor XYZ to the Hypervisor ZZZ and the network continue working?


> But in this case would not be all the same, ie as if there were no VLANs?

No, if each guest is restricted to access the appropriate VLANs.

> It's necessary to use the 'vconfig' (the debian package "vlan") inside of
> all domus?

No, as the article you reference below explains.
Btw. vconfig is deprecated nowadays, use
ip link add link $BASEIF name $VLANIF type vlan id $VLANID

> Maybe I need to create the VLANs in dom0 and, then, setup the bridges using
> the VLANs as ethernets for them? As this example:
> http://renial.net/weblog/2007/02/27/xen-vlan/ ?

Yes.  Altough I prefer to create the bridges in the dom0 via the tools
provided by OS and use the network-dummy script.

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