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RE: [Xen-users] How to transfer files from DOM 0 to DOM U

Hi Todd,
Thanks for your suggestions.
I will keep it in mind.
And i will check the reference from the book.
Thanks again.
- Tommy

> Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 00:01:51 -0400
> From: deshantm@xxxxxxxxx
> To: tommy24@xxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [Xen-users] How to transfer files from DOM 0 to DOM U
> CC: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 11:06 PM, Tommy Huang <tommy24@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Thanks for the answer. I will test it later.
> <snip>
> > By the way, do you know any website that talks about how the answer that you
> > mentioned below?
> I don't have anything specific that comes to mind, but there should be a lot of
> tutorials on the topic. If you run into problems post here. If you want a good
> general reference check out the xen book that I am a co-author on.
> Xen is quite commonly used now, so finding the information online shouldn't
> be too bad, but digging through it takes time. Even on this list, by searching
> xen.markmail.org you could find what you are looking for, but knowing what
> to look for is the art.
> It is difficult and time consuming to provide "copy-paste" HOWTOs, but there
> are some good references out there online and in our book/website.
> Also, when asking a general question on "how do I do X" or "do you have a
> reference on X", try to offer what type of knowledge you have and what specific
> topic or topics that you think you might actually need a reference on.
> Everybody comes with different backgrounds, so giving a clear a picture of
> what you know and what you need really helps.
> Cheers,
> Todd
> --
> Todd Deshane
> http://todddeshane.net
> check out our book: http://runningxen.com

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