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RE: [Xen-users] OSError trying hvm

        If you did the first portion of the WinXP install with ACPI enabled
and ten disabled it, the problem could be that the WinXP installer can't
boot because it has an ACPI kernel (I'm not certain on this, as the non-ACPI
kernel will boot on an ACPI machine, but I think that is the hardware being
backwards compatible).  Since you have only done the first portion of the
installer, I recommend doing it again with ACPI disabled, if ACPI was your
problem, the second installer should start after the reboot.  It is worth
noting that the WinXP domU will stick at "it is now safe to shut off your
computer" with this configuration, as the ACPI poweroff signal that would
normally shutdown/destroy the domU at the end of WinXP's shutdown won't be

-----Original Message-----
From: xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:xen-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of edu gargiulo
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2008 20:30
To: xen-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-users] OSError trying hvm (was: svm flags not present)

On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 7:43 PM, Mark Williamson
<mark.williamson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Did you reboot successfully into Xen / XenLinux before trying to start
> guest?  Does xm list give you sensible output?
> Is there anything interesting in /var/log/xen/xend.log?

looking for help on the web, I found a message saying that the disk
image should have 755 mode; after chmod the image the OSError problem
fixed, but ...

Now, I've added acpi=1 and apic=1 to winxp.cfg and the install process
started ok. After first mandatory winxp installer reboot, and when the
installer should start from hd  (not from cdrom) the windows blanks
and never return. xm dmesg shows the following

(XEN) (GUEST: 33) HVM Loader
(XEN) (GUEST: 33) Detected Xen v3.0.3-1
(XEN) (GUEST: 33) Writing SMBIOS tables ...
(XEN) (GUEST: 33) Loading ROMBIOS ...
(XEN) (GUEST: 33) Creating MP tables ...
(XEN) (GUEST: 33) Loading Cirrus VGABIOS ...
(XEN) (GUEST: 33) Loading ACPI ...
(XEN) (GUEST: 33) SVM go ...
(XEN) (GUEST: 33)  rombios.c,v 1.138 2005/05/07 15:55:26 vruppert Exp $
(XEN) (GUEST: 33) VGABios $Id: vgabios.c,v 1.61 2005/05/24 16:50:50
vruppert Exp $
(XEN) (GUEST: 33) HVMAssist BIOS, 1 cpu, $Revision: 1.138 $ $Date:
2005/05/07 15:55:26 $
(XEN) (GUEST: 33)
(XEN) (GUEST: 33) ata0-0: PCHS=8322/16/63 translation=lba LCHS=522/255/63
(XEN) (GUEST: 33) ata0 master: QEMU HARDDISK ATA-7 Hard-Disk (4096 MBytes)
(XEN) (GUEST: 33) ata0  slave: Unknown device
(XEN) (GUEST: 33) ata1 master: QEMU CD-ROM ATAPI-4 CD-Rom/DVD-Rom
(XEN) (GUEST: 33) ata1  slave: Unknown device
(XEN) (GUEST: 33)
(XEN) (GUEST: 33) Booting from CD-Rom...
(XEN) (GUEST: 33) unsupported PCI BIOS function 0x0E
(XEN) (GUEST: 33) int13_harddisk: function 15, unmapped device for ELDL=81
(XEN) (GUEST: 33) *** int 15h function AX=E980, BX=00F2 not yet supported!
(XEN) hvm_vioapic_write_indirect: version register read only
(XEN) hvm_vioapic_write_indirect: version register read only
(XEN) hvm_vioapic_write_indirect: version register read only
(XEN) This hvm_vlapic is for P4, no work for De-assert init

If I change acpi=1 to acpi=0 in config file, the last 5 lines of dmesg
disappear, but the problem continues.

Any help would be appreciated to fix this problem,



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