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RE: [Xen-users] GPLPV but network problem

> > For the sake of completeness, please try the -pre9
> > release, but if you have manually tried moving away from IRQ7
> > I guess it's probably not going to work. Pity.
> Just installed -pre9 and it uses IRQ 11 now, but is still not working.

After I updated I noticed that my domain was using IRQ7 and was working, so
I guess that wasn't it after all.

> Any other idea?

Could you please try some packet traces on the vifX.Y interface in Dom0.
Also, please check that it is linked to the bridge correctly, and that you
don't have firewall rules that are allowing tunX traffic through but not
vifX.Y traffic.

In case you can't tell I'm running out of ideas :)


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