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Re: [Xen-users] Java memory allocation in guest domain with mem and max-mem properties

On Jul 17, 2008, at 09:28 , Roberto Lo Giacco wrote:

* The question

Have I missed something (I'm quite new to xen) in my configuration
files, like using mem-min and mem-max instead of mem and mem-max?
Anyone out there has already encountered this behavior and solved it?
Does this error depends on the used JVM or is there any solution which
is not just "set your DomU memory to a fixed value of 2GB" (btw, this
is the only solution which comes to me)?

Thank you in advance for your patience guys (and ladies, if any!)

It's possible this has be implemented in more recent releases, but 3.0 does not support guest autoballooning. In other words, you'll need to track guest memory and add more manually, at least in 3.0.

Automating this shouldn't be too difficult, though, so if this hasn't been done yet in xen 3.3 then we really should find some volunteers to take this on...


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