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Re: [Xen-users] lost network connectivity after update to 3.0.3

Joseph L. Casale wrote:
since i'm not 97% back in business - one of the things i had
contemplated as a 'fix' was to install xen 3.2 from source. are there
any risks in upgrading from 3.0.3 to the latest? more broken things,
fewer, the same?

So you do have networking for Dom0 when it boots, its just the script doesn't 
Is it network-bridge executable (would it need to be if you ran it the way you 

Anyway, I have ran 3.2.0 from the srpm for ages and it runs fairly solidly. I 
had a few
issues all my fault, namely related to iptables in Dom0 and memory allocation 
getting to low
for Dom0 but its pretty solid. As far as I know 3.2.1 has some good fixes in it 
too but I
never got it to compile :(

yeah, that was one of the first things i checked - the execute perms on those scripts. some of the execute perms were broken on some of the scripts, but that still didn't fix it. it's really strange.

i think i'll give 3.2.1 a shot. can't hurt any worse than the twenty hours my domU's were unreachable!

Paul Theodoropoulos

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