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Re: [Xen-users] HDD-performance on HVM winxp

> > My problem ist the 0.8MB/sec in the winxp-domain...
> > Is there a way to track down the performance issue ?
> Yes, install gplpv drivers.

The GPLPV drivers will probably help (or, if you're using a commercial app 
like XenExpress, XenServer, etc then using their own provided PV drivers) 

Note that the GPLPV drivers are under development, so treat them as beta 
quality and bear in mind there may not be a smooth upgrade path.  You could 
check out the mailing list archives in order to see what experiences other 
people have had and learn about any problems you might need to watch out for.

The developers of the GPLPV drivers are very responsive regarding queries and 
bug reports.


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