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Re: [Xen-users] Re: [Xen-devel] windows pv drivers released at www.halsign.com

On Friday 15 February 2008 09:50:04 pm Stefan de Konink wrote:
> z en schreef:
> > This startup released the package of some windows pv drivers and service.
> > I had tried on my rhel5.x, the experience of windows hvm is good.
> I hope that James checks this binaries for possible 'use'.

Checking the install instructions: ( 
http://www.halsign.com/documents/Gatekeeper-Tools-install-guide.txt )

He has host & guest components to install. On the host (Redhat 5.0 tested, 
SuSE, etc. to follow) he provides kernel-xen-2.6.18-53.1.4.gk1.i686.rpm, and 
xen-{,libs-}3.0.3-41.gk1.i386.rpm, and a package called gkhost. Since most 
distros support higher versions, this would be a downgrade. Possibly you 
could get things to work with his versions, then re-upgrade, and adjust. His 
guest tools only support 32-bit, unlike James' version. I suppose that's 
because xen 3.1.0 is really preferred for 64 bit.

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