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[Xen-users] Problems installing HVM-guest (not just SuSE)

Chris wrote:
Hi i am trying to install suse 10.2 as a guest hvm on a 64b xen 3.1 dom0 and the problem i am running into is after it starts the boot process it says isolinux blah load... and just sits there. My quess is that it is getting to suse graphic insaller and chocking. any one have any ideas? i have tryed it with stdvga 1/0 with no luck. would using sdl possibley work? if so how would i go about doing that?


Hi list,

Browsing through the archives i came across above message, with suggestions like "use amd ;-)" or a non-graphical installer.

I find myself in a simular situation. Difference is that:
A) i'm using an up-to-date patched OpenSuSE 10.3 ( not such a big difference)
B) disabled graphical emulation, thus forcing the installer to text mode
C) identical results for different guests: suse 10.3, 10.2, 10.1, Ubuntu 7.04, ubuntu 7.10, freebsd 6.2, 6.3
For HVM it just hangs (either in text mode or through vnc) and same setup for para (just suse) it works like a charm
Same results at work with a DL360 G5 with 22GB dual quad-core, as at home (p5k + E7650)

Docu & examples from SuSE are mostly about para-virtualisation, not about hvm, and no response at the suse mailing lists.

I assume it's a pebkac, but i'm clueless what i'm doing wrong.
Hence my first posting. Any pointers, suggestions?

HtH, Hans

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