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Re: [Xen-users] HVM unmodified_drivers compatibility


Thanks for the reply - apologies for the delayed response (holidays!).

----- "Mark Williamson" <mark.williamson@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I'm stuck using Xen 3.0.3 for a little while longer but would really
> like
> > to be able to build the xen unmodified_drivers against a 2.6.20 FC6
> kernel.
> > But 3.0.3 doesn't seem to build against this kernel (before its
> time).
> > Using the unmodified_drivers from Xen 3.1 or xen-unstable I at least
> get a
> > bit further when compiling but before I spend any more time looking
> at the
> > compile errors I thought I better ask the good folks on the
> xen-users list
> > a question: Are the unmodified_drivers from xen-3.1 backwards
> compatible
> > with xen-3.0.3? If not do I have to upgrade to xen-3.1 to be able to
> build
> > the unmodified_drivers for 2.6.20?
> Backwards compatibility of that kind is not guaranteed, but I can't
> think of 
> any changes that happened that would actually break it.  If there are
> any 
> relevant compatibility options in the build process, you should switch
> them 
> on though.  It can't hurt, in any case.

I had a quick look through the files in the unmodified_drivers directory but 
couldn't find anything obvious to set the compatibility. As lots of stuff gets 
included from the root xen dir perhaps I need to look there also.

I tried building xen-3.1 unmodified drivers against a fedora3 2.6.12 kernel 
which seemed to build okay but on loading the first module 
(xen-platform-pci.ko) the HVM guest promptly crashes and restarts without 
giving a chance to observe any error messages. Due to the extreme nature of the 
failure I'm assuming that the xen 3.1 unmodified drivers are not compatible 
with my Xen 3.0.3 Dom0 kernel. I might try the Fedora7 kernel for Dom0 as I 
believe its up to Xen 3.1 and see if I get any further. However it would still 
be great if I could the drivers to work on Xen 3.0.3.



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