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Re: [Xen-users] Why cannt I boot 128 ttylinux VMs?

Liao, Guangdeng escribió:
Hey all,

I am a new Xen user and trying to boot up 128 VM on the machine with 16G
memory. All VM images are ttylinux. When I booted up 116 Virtual
machines, I can not boot VM anymore. Once I create a new VM, the latest
VM on the machine would be kicked out to hold 116 VM simultaneously.
Since I set VM memory to 32M, the Memory should not be an issue. I am
wondering why I can not boot 128 VM and why the limit of VM is 116? Is
there any way to configure the limit? I am looking forward to your help.
Any suggestion or idea would be highly appreciated!

I am using the latest xen 3.1 version and the configuration file for VM
is as followings:

        kernel = "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.18-xen"
      memory = 32
      name = "ttylinux"
      vif = [ 'bridge=xenbr0' ]
      nics = 1
      disk = ['file:/home/danny/guest-os/ttylinux/ttylinux-xen,sda1,w']
      root = "/dev/sda1 ro"

Thanks in advance

Xen-users mailing list
I'm just wondering how much memory is the dom0 using. Have you the memory limited in the grub file? What flavor are you using for dom0?

It could be that the system can not free more memory, although I didn't know that XEN kicks out the last VM to make room for the new one, that doesn't seem usual.

On the other hand, if I'm not mistaken you are mounting your VMs on loopback devices. If that's the case have you done a "modprobe loop loop_max=255"?


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