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Re: [Xen-users] blktap on debian

On Sat, Apr 14, 2007 at 11:54:06PM +0200, Jonathan Selander wrote:
> Hello,
> I run xen 3.0.3 on Debian 4.0 and so far I've got 5 guests. I've read in 
> the user documentation that it's better to use blktap than loopback, 
> because of performance reasons, so i decided to switch to it. However, 
> the root device isn't found by the guest system. I read something about 
> CONFIG_XEN_BLKDEV_TAP being needed in the kernel for it to work, is that 
> true? I have
> # CONFIG_XEN_BLKDEV_TAP is not set

Yeah, I believe it should be set to 


If it was working, you'd also get a 'blktapctrl' daemon spawned by Xen. If
you look at syslog you'll probably find blktapctrl trying to start and 
failing to initialize if blktap support was missing in kernel.

> The guest config disk line looks like this:
> disk    = [ 'tap:aio:/var/xen/domains/ac/disk.img,sda1,w', 
> 'tap:aio:/var/xen/domains/ac/swap.img,sda2,w' ]

That's the correct config file syntax.

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