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Re: [Xen-users] VM Management tools.

On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 02:21:55PM +0100, Julian Pawlowski wrote:

> What we need is something you install on all nodes and where you have a
> central administration directly over a web browser or a Windows program like
> the one from XenEnterprise - but in OpenSource of course.

  Funny you should say that .. I've been working on this for the 
 past week or two.

  This is the successor to my previous Argo project, named Argos.

  The intention is that it will run exactly as you describe:

   * Each dom0 runs a small agent.

   * There is a central server which contacts each agent and can
     instruct them to do things;

        - list running instances
        - list shutdown instances
        - list all instances, regardless of running/not-running
        - start domU
        - shutdown domU

   The central server also provides an XMLRPC interface that can
  be used to construct a control panel.  Right now there is a
  simple (working!) command line shell, but we also have a 
  Ruby on Rails web-based control panel in development, and
  there will be GUI application too  (probably Ruby + Tk)

   As a quick example the shell allows you to list remote nodes 
  and connect to one in particular.  Then you can list the
  guests and start/stop them.  Here is a capture:

  skx@mine:~/cvs/argos$ ./control/console/console-client.rb
  skx#> nodelist     <-  List nodes

  skx#> node mine    <-  Take control of xen host "mine[.my.flat]"
  skx# [mine]> 

  skx# [mine]> list  <-  list xen guests
  Not running:

   skx# [mine]> boot steve.my.flat
   skx# [mine]> exit

   Neat?  I think so.  Only a few hundred lines of Ruby, although
 there is still work to do getting the web console working, getting
 SSL sorted out etc.

  If you're interested in trying it out:


  Debian packages are almost there, and mailing me off-list should
 let me help with any problems.

  Once it is actually released for the first time there will be 
 webpages on http://xen-tools.org/software/argos/

> Why isn't there anything for the community? :-(

  Because everybody wants it for free and isn't prepared to write
 it themselves - much like Xen ;)


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