I have download the rpms from www.xensource.com/download/dl_304fc5.html
Built thru sources from rpm.
Booting thru Dom0 fine.
#xend start is fine as well.
But when I use xm w/ create or list I get this failure..
root@ipanema /]# xm create -c /etc/xen/mysamplevm
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/sbin/xm", line 8, in ?
from xen.xm import main
File "/obj/RPM_BUILD_DIRECTORY/tmp/xen-",
line 51, in ?
line 25, in ?
ImportError: /usr/lib/python/xen/lowlevel/acm.so: wrong ELF
class: ELFCLASS32
Any ideas and help is really appreciated.
I wonder where the /obj/RPM_BUILD_DIRECTOR…. exist. ?