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Re: [Xen-users] New to ZEN: Wrong Logical Volume mounted to "/"

On Thu, 2007-02-15 at 10:22 -0500, Matthew Dougherty wrote:
> I resolved the problem by setting fstab and the network config scripts.
> Is there a document that outlines what config files should be manually 
> addressed for a guest?

Just as you would any other server. The Xen config file simply populates
the guest with its drives, ram, kernel, network interfaces. When that
guest boots, treat it like you would any regular computer. 

You will need to (at the minimum) setup :

/etc/fstab (so it matches the drives you gave the guest in the config
file, rootfs and swap at the least).

/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 (if you want networking),
or /etc/network/interfaces if using a GNU (Debian-ish or Debian) distro,

/etc/passwd | shadow (if you want to set the root pass prior to booting

/etc/resolv.conf (just throw and in there, or use the
resolvers your data center / ISP gave you)

/etc/hosts (the VM should know about itself and localhost at the least,
if using NFS you'll probably want more)

/etc/hostname (depending on your distro)

> It's a little confusing because you set file systems and network 
> configurations in the xm create config file and it's difficult to see 
> what is being handled by that and what needs to be addressed manually.

Just remember, once you assign a VM drives and nics, the VM has to be
told how to use them. Likewise, whatever OS you're using has to be
configured to the point that its usable.

Part of the beauty and simplicity of Xen is guest OS's (even PV), for
all intensive purposes appear to be just a regular computer. So in
short, whatever you'd setup on a regular computer using the OS you're
virtualizing, you must setup in a dom-u.

> Matt.
> Henning Sprang wrote:
> > On 2/14/07, Matthew Dougherty <mdougher@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >> I resolved it.  I found a doc on the net somewhere.  It was reading a 
> >> copy
> >> of the Domain0 fstab.
> >
> > I don't understand what you mean here . A doc on the web that is
> > reading a copy of the domain0 fstab? That makes no sense to me, sorry.
> >
> >> Is there a xensource document that outlines disabling/setting fstab,
> >
> > Again: fstab is NOT disabled. You only need the correct entries, in
> > case you create your own - depenending on distribution and
> > installation you use, it is generated for you. And it differs
> > depending on guest OS you use and probably kernel, and disks you
> > configured.
> >
> > Generating a little fstab is a very basic admin skill. Sorry to say,
> > but, if you have major problems doing this(and that you talk about
> > "disabling" fstab gives me some evidence this is so), you will to
> > learn a lot until having fun with Xen, as it often requires much more
> > than basic Linux Admin skills.
> >
> >> ifcfg-eth0, etc.?  For some reason I didn't catch that anywhere and 
> >> had to
> >> rely on an untrusted source.
> >
> > The "official" Xen manual does not deal a lot with the steps to do
> > when installing a guest, as far as detailed config files inside the
> > guest are concerned.
> >
> > The howtos mentioned in the wiki should help there. Be sure to select
> > one matching your Domain 0 Distribution and version, adn fpor the
> > right guest system. I know it can become confusing - be prepared to
> > invest quite some time.
> >
> > Still, as with the fstab, if your at a very basic Linux level, and
> > don't know how to manually create a network config file, Xen might
> > become hard for you, at least as it's state of today is. You will need
> > to learn a lot. I don't want to say, you should go away here, and
> > don't ask questions.
> >
> > But you should defintely pick up one and another advanced Linux
> > administration books - mostly the things you asked here are not really
> > Xen specific, but intermediate/advanced Linux administration. And be
> > prepared that you also get answers here saying "this isn't a Xen
> > question, but basic Linux Admin stuff".
> >
> > Hope this helps, and doesn't scare you away :)
> > Henning
> >
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> > Xen-users mailing list
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