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Re: [Xen-users] Installing modules - switch to Vmware ?

Henning Sprang wrote:
On 12/18/06, Xen Help <steven@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Well what I meant is that the "xen recommended way" to run (or build)
with only one kernel for both dom0 and domU will not boot at all on
CentOs4-4, I spent days on it without any hope of solving the issue with
the list's help only, while I discovered that the compiled dom0 and dumU
version would boot, the only problem remaining is having the right
modules installed in /lib/modules/ for iptables, they do not show up,
see the compared listing.

I cannot get the modules compiled and installed into the right directory.
I believe the iptables modules for latest Xen are not compatible with
CentOs 4-4, maybe with CentOs 4-3.
Is there any published data about Xen compatibility with the distros
Hmm, no idea, here xen 3.0.3 runs fine with debian sarge, which is
probably a bit older than centos 4.4.

I share your thoughts that Xen is not very well documented in a lot of
areas( as I am an author, I must admit that this fact is a bit to my
favour). As far as I understand it, Xensource doesn't see themselves
as the people providing end users with a Xen Linux kernel for your
distribution - they see this as the work of the distributors (also,
security patches for these kernels are the work of the distribution
package managers, or did you ever see a security update for a Xen
Linux kernel?).

Xensource GPL software is kind of rough-edged. This gives xensource
the possibility to sell their own polished products to paying
customers - why not, on the other hand, they give a lot of knowledge
away for free - but this also opens the door for a lot of third party
developers who can build additional software that eases management of
Xen systems.
This is easier for third parties because it's open source, and they
don't need to have a deal with a closed source shop to get information
on how to work with the system - you just look in the sources... sure,
some knowledge and time assumed.

Sorry for not being able to help you, this iptables problem sounds
really strange.
Don't the binary rpm's for rhel work for you?

BTW: maybe  the problem is also that redhat does specific things to
make their systems less interoperable? At least on fedora there are
massive compatibility problems, and all things are much different than
on all other systems. Try something really free -  Debian Sarge and
Etch work just fine with Xen.
Thanks for your input and point of view, it make sense. Thanks also for sharing what you know about the derivative products from Red Hat (Fedora, CentOs), I will test with Debian tomorow.


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