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Re: [Xen-users] how to mount a xen image file

On 25 Nov 2006 at 0:48, Glenn Davy wrote:

> Can someone correct my attempt at mounting a xen image?
> Im trying 2 things:
> a)
> losetup /dev/loop1 ./mywindows.img
> mount -t ntfs /dev/loop1 /media/loop
> which dmesg|tail tells me is Not an NTFS system
> b) ntfsmount ./mywindows.img /media/loop -o force
> which gives me mywindows.img invalid argument
> The images was created by dd if=/dev/zero of=./mywindows.img bs=1024
> count=20K

That makes a file, not an image. It depends very much on what you did next.

> then installing windows under xen straight into it.

As a disk or as a partition?

Have you tried something like this?:
# kpartx -av /dev/system/as1
add map as1p1 : 0 417627 linear /dev/system/as1 63
add map as1p2 : 0 16787925 linear /dev/system/as1 417690
add map as1p3 : 0 18442620 linear /dev/system/as1 17205615
# vgchange -a y as1 # Windows most likely has no volume groups....
  4 logical volume(s) in volume group "as1" now active
# mount /dev/as1/root /mnt
# mount /dev/mapper/as1p1 /mnt/boot/

My knowledge came from this list, so maybe search harder...


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