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Re: [Xen-users] Running RHEL4 domain U in a FC5 domain0

On Tue, Nov 14, 2006 at 06:26:43PM -0800, Stefano Harding wrote:
> I am trying to get a RedHat 4 guest OS running under a Fedora Core 5 
> domain 0. I have several FC5 guest os's running without a problem but 
> have had no luck trying to figure out how to get RHEL to install and 
> run. 

I use this way:
Copy an existing installation of RHEL4 to the disk-file of the rhel4-
vm. Create the disk-file/lvm-volume, create a filesystem on it, loop-
back-mount it in the dom0, copy the contents of the already installed
system to here. I use something like
   tar cfp - root bin dev home lib media mnt sbin srv var boot etc misc \
   initrd opt selinux usr|(ssh dom0server 'cd /mnt/newsys | tar xfp -')

Then on the dom0-server do further preparations:
   cd /mnt/newsys
   mkdir proc tmp sys                   # create missing dirs
   chmod 777 tmp
   chmod o+t tmp
   cp -r /lib/modules/*xenU lib/modules # copy modules of domU-kernel
                                        # that is installed in dom0
   vi etc/fstab                         # preparations

umount image, create domU-xen-config etc.
The installed system can also live on vmware or qemu, thats what i use


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