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Re: [Xen-users] UnionFS and initramfs

I am having problems with the initrd/initramfs. I am not really sure of
what needs to be done inside the init script for a VM. Since I have
never used a ramdisk with a VM. And I have never created an
initrd/initramfs before ( aside from using the generic
mkinitrd/mkinitfamfs ). Meaning I have no idea how to implement this in
the init script.

I have placed all needed partitions in the Xen config something like:
<lvm volume with VM image> as hda ro
<lvm volume to contain the changes> as hdb w
<lvm volume that contains swap> as hdc w

I am not near the machine with the exact Xen config, but I can post it
in about 12 hours.

Inside the init script, do I need to leave all of the script that is
generated by the mkinitrd/mkinitramfs?

I have tried just modifying the section of the script where it
configures the root file system. I mount hda, hdb in directories in the
initrd, and then mount the union of the two to another directory in the
initrd. I then try and make the union directory the root filesystem.
Then it all dies, with a kernel panic 'trying to kill init'. I can post
the script later today as well. I just don't know enough about init
scripts to begin tracing my error =\

Thanks for the reply!

Henning Sprang wrote:
> On 11/3/06, *Otter* <OtterzStuff@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:OtterzStuff@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>     Greetings,
>     I would like to use unionfs for my Virtual Machines, and I would
>     like to
>     use initramfs instead of an initrd. But I am not sure how to
>     accomplish
>     this. I have read over the HOWTO section for Copy of Write, but
>     haven't
>     really found the solution I want. I do not know much about
>     initramfs or
>     initrd for that matter, but I do know initramfs is suppose to replace
>     the initrd so I would like to use it. Ultimately what I want is to
>     have
>     a read only partition on LVM2 that contains the virtual machine image,
>     and this would be readonly. Then I would have another partition that
>     would be read write. 
> Just configure two disks in the VM config file. They are available as
> partitions inside the domU then. Then, I guess the definition how they
> should be used to achieve you goal is some config in the initrd, right?
>     I am familiar with unionfs, but not too much with
>     Xen, so if any can provide assistance please do! 
> Your question is very generic, and multiple questions at once.
> Better describe different problems in different mail (or, forgive me
> if I don't know enough abput initramfs and unionfs to understand they
> belong together).
>  What did you try already, and what were your problems? What is "the
> solution you want" you didn't find in the HOWTO's?
> Henning
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