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[Xen-users] Xen 3.0.3 and Hvm tests

Hello ,

I trie to use xen 3.0.3 , on my config , and virtual machine with HVM  does not 
work .
For testing the hvm virual machine i had used some iso :

(1) http://rescuecd.pld-linux.org/download/2006-06-25/x86_64/rescue.iso
(2) http://rescuecd.pld-linux.org/download/2006-06-25/x86/rescue.iso
(4) /usr/share/grub-disk/grub-0.97-i486-pc.iso from the debian package  

iso (1) does not boot because i dont have long mode .
iso (2) boot OK
iso (3) i can boot in cdrom only mode . 
        Live CD work partialy .
        Live CD with himem + emm386 => crash
iso (4) on the first menu when i try to move on the second choice , the system 
seem to be freezed .

Where is the problem ?

 - My hardware config - ASUS M2NPV-VM with AMD 64 x2 4200+ ( AM2 ).
 - The system is based on debian-sid distribution ( in attachement the list of 
packages ) .
 - In attachement the output of commands 'xm dmesg' , 'dmesg' .
    / Erwan MAS                                                 /\
   | mailto:erwan@xxxxxxxxxx                                   |_/
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Attachment: debpkgs.lst
Description: Text document

Attachment: dom0-dmesg.txt
Description: Text document

Attachment: xm-dmesg.txt
Description: Text document

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