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Re: [Xen-devel] Re: [Xen-users] xenguest-install.py reports "no module named libvirt" in FC5 x86 mode

On Wed, Sep 27, 2006 at 11:09:51AM +0530, Sadique Puthen Peedikayil wrote:
> libxenstore.so is part of xen-libs package which you don't need while 
> compiling from src rpms.
> If you are going to compile xen from source, you should have to install 
> the libvirt rpm using --nodeps option and compile it.
> rpm --install libvirt-0.0.6-1.i386.rpm --nodeps

No, there is absolutely *NO* need to install libvirt when compiling the
Xen RPM - there is no compile time dependancy, and you certainly should
not use --nodeps when installing RPMs.

> shobha ranganathan wrote:
> >I download xen3.0.2-23.src.rpm and build the dom0 Kernel in Fedora 
> >COre 5 in x86 mode. I did not build a domU kernel at all.

Did you install both xen & xen-libs ?

> >I tried to run ./xenguest-install.py in dom0 kernel after booting into 
> >it.. I got this error
> >"No module named libvirt".
> > 
> >I then tried installing libvirt-0.0.6-1.i386.rpm using
> >"rpm --install libvirt-0.0.6-1.i386.rpm"
> > 
> >I get failed dependencies error such as
> >"libxenstore.so is needed by libvirt-0.0.6-1.i386
> >xen is needed by libvirt-0.0.6-1.i386"
> > 
> >what am I missing here ? I have libxenstore.so in /usr/lib.

The version of Xen you installed  probably has a newer libxenstore.so
which includes versioning, while the libvirt you installed was linked
against the older non-versioned libxenstore.so. What does 

  rpm -q --provides xen xen-libs | grep xenstore

Show ?

BTW, you'll also want libvirt-python RPM too

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