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Re: [Xen-users] bonding, ethtool and live migration


Am Dienstag, 14. März 2006 23:57 schrieb Markus Hochholdinger:
> i'm having here the problem with bonding and crcchecksum. So as i read the
> mailing list the solution is to run
>   ethtool -K eth0 tx off
> inside domU. So my domU is reachable. All is fine.
> But after i migrate (live) the domU to another machine the complete domU
> stopped. Und I also had one time this ugly Zombie thing in xm list and
> couldn't reboot the machine (only power off/on helped).
> If i don't do "ethtool -K eth0 tx off" inside the domU i can make live
> migration of the domU to the other machines. (so storage connection works.)

i've found it what it was. I have a dell server and hadn't the option "nousb" 
for the dom0 kernel specified. So my complete dom0 and domUs where very 
unstable until i set this option.
After using nousb i made several tests and the system is now really stable.

> Has anyone who is also using ethtool the same problem or should it work as
> expected? My last solution would be to make a xenbr0/1 over my two network
> adapters and make the bonding inside domU. Or would this cause more trouble
> (beside the performance loss)?

It works as expected. I had only to specifiy tx/rx off inside the domUs.

> PS: I'm in doubt if xen 3.0.1 is really stable!?

I'm so sorry, it seems xen 3.0.1 IS stable if you know the right options.

BTW: I made a few tests with live migrating. A script which moves one domU 
between two xen hosts continual. I made the observation that if you make a 
pause between the live migrations you can more often migrate between the xen 
hosts until the domU dies. Also it works more if the domU is not under havy 
load (i made a while true grep test /usr inside domU to make a load).



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