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Re: [Xen-users] Infinite loop shutting down xendomains

Dear John,

I think I may have good news for you.  I have not received an answer or a 
solution either, however I made some modifications in my system that work out 
fine so far.  However, I have not rebooted my system too many times since the 
modifications, so I can't be sure that it will be stable in the long term 
-but the system does shutdown/reboot flawlessly since the modifications.

I was experiencing the problem with the default Xen installation of Suse 
Professional 9.3 (including the updates available through YOU).  This means 
that I was using Xen version 2.0.5c-4 with kernel

I removed these packages form my system and installed the latest version of 
Xen (and kernel) from the packages found here:


So in effect, I now use Xen 2.0.7 and kernel (both in dom0 and 
in the unprivileged domains).  This seems to have solved the problems during 
shutdown/reboot, despite the fact that the kernel is somewhat older version 
that the one officially suplied by Suse.

The only unfortunate side effect of this setup, is that YOU now reports that 
"there are security updates available", because there is a newer Xen kernel 
available for my system.  I will put up with this and will not try a kernel 
update, as long as my current setup works without any problems.

I understand that you would not like to experiment a lot with your production 
system, so if I find out about any issues with this solution I will do my 
best to keep you posted.

Kind regards,

On Saturday 25 February 2006 08:44, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-02-21 at 14:40 +0200, Athanasios Floros wrote:
> > John,
> >
> > Did you ever find a solution to this problem?  I am experiencing the
> > exact same problem (xendomains stop hangs almost always during shutdown,
> > but succeeds if called from a terminal before shutdown).
> >
> > Athanasios
> <snip>
> No, I've received neither an answer nor a resolution and I am quite
> concerned since we are running this in production.
> Is anyone else experiencing this? - John

In case I don't see you:
Good afternoon, good evening and good night.-

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