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Re: [Xen-users] Xen 3.0.0 32bit-pae (testing changeset 8270)crashes(pgtable.c:284, kernel bug?)

Em Qui, 2006-02-02 às 13:56 +0100, Ralph Passgang escreveu:
> Am Donnerstag, 2. Februar 2006 12:52 schrieb Ian Pratt:
> No, I don't use dom0_mem since xen3 is out, but I will setting the dom0_mem 
> again to check if this makes any difference. In general I like the new 
> feature of letting xen handle the dom0 memory.


I'm using one machine with PAE and it works fine with 4GB of RAM, but I
use dom0_mem at boot.

The only error that I'm getting is that I can't connect to domU console
after xen (3.0.0) is running for two days. After reboot it back to work.

Next week I will migrate my discs to one RAID Promise SX 4300


Someone knows something about this cards?

Lucas de Souza Santos - 7F8050A6 @ http://subkeys.pgp.net

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