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Re: [Xen-users] Xen and iSCSI

Badiane Ka wrote:

As a side note, have you guys taken a look @ the
ATA-over-Ethernet stuff?  It's much lighter than
iSCSI.  I have a little test bench setup with four
20GB USB drives in a RAID5 being exported (I know, I
know but it's just for play or is it (forplay!)
couldn't resist).  I have to start using gfs (or
another filesystem which allows data sharing) in order
to properly allow sharing of files between various
servers without corruption.

I haven't tried any of this stuff with xen yet.

It looks like AOE only makes whole drives available so that to make a system of xen servers you would need to use somthing like GFS and then distribute that around and slice that up for the individual domU's It would be interesting to see a comparison between the 2 setups in terms of performance.

I did in the past play with HyperSCSI and it is a package that is somewhere between iSCSI and AOE. It is too bad that the project looks to be dead.

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