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Re: [Xen-users] mixed environments openBSD - SuSE - debian

On Fri, Jan 27, 2006 at 02:24:16AM +0530, Anand wrote:
> On 1/26/06, als@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <als@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > I have the following setup running:
> > - dom0: Debian Linux
> > - 1. DomU: NetBSD 2.0.2
> > - 2. DomU: Debian Linux
> >
> > No troubles, runs fine.
> >
> Can i know how you installed NetBSD domU under debian dom0 ?

Doing it the dirty way ;-)

 - setup Xen on Debian Linux box, notice existing NetBSD (native) box
   sitting peacefully in a corner,
 - prepare DomU for NetBSD,
 - create tar-archive of entire filesystem from existing NetBSD box,
 - put ext2 on DomU "disk" (in this case: an LVM logical volume
   masquerading as a partition of a SCSI disk) for NetBSD,
 - unpack tar archive there,
 - make necessary changes to NetBSD config (single /, no swap, ext2
   as root FS),
 - provide second "disk" for NetBSD domU,
 - boot NetBSD DomU with ext2 as root fs - while this is "not recommended",
   it works,
 - inside NetBSD DomU, prepare the second "disk" for NetBSD the 
   proper way (fdisk, disklabel, put FFS where needed),
 - copy NetBSD system over to second "disk", make necessary changes to
 - shutdown NetBSD DomU,
 - reconfigure DomU: remove first "disk", move second "disk" into
   its place,
 - boot up NetBSD DomU again,
 - voila! - you now have a NetBSD domU running with a Debian dom0

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and
 looks like work."                                      -- Thomas A. Edison

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