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Re: [Xen-users] boot existing OS

Tomas Florian wrote:


The part about sda1 looks weird to me - actuall your whole thing looks weird.... the idea is to map the phisical devices into virtual ones.

so check this ... is your phisical hda5 really going to correspond to virtual sda1?
is your hda3 really going to correspond to virtual hda3?
... etc

The part that looks weird is that you are saying you have gentoo installed on /dev/hda ... usually I'd expect to see phy:hda1,hda1 entry or something like that (unless your gentoo is installed in some strange way - which is possible too)

Peter van Eck wrote:


I've got SusE 10.0 running xen 3 installed on /dev/hdd

I've got a gentoo system installed in /dev/hda.

What would be the right configuration , the disk part in the config file
to boot the gentoo system ?

I'm quite confused on that part s all info I can find is based on creating images ..or is that really the only way...

Here 's what I have at the moment but I keep getting a kernel panic :mount :no such device disk = [ 'phy:hda5,sda1,w','phy:hda3,hda3,w','phy:hda6,hda6,w','phy:hda7,hda7,w','phy:hda8,hda8,w','phy:hda9,hda9,w','phy:hda10,hda10,w','phy:hda11,hda11,w' ]

Sorry for this probably "obvious" question.



Xen-users mailing list

Well after I started experimenting with Xen I got so confused on the virtual device part that I tried several , not in use, special files in /dev.

The kernel still panics as soon as it trying to mount the root /filesystem..

As I'm still confused on the virtual devices part would someone careto explain to me how I should interpret this when using partitions ? In my example how do I pick the virtual root filesystem for the guest root filesystem I try to boot ?


Xen "newbie" Peter

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