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[Xen-users] Re: Xen-users Digest, Vol 8, Issue 53

> hi,
> i'm a bit unsure. I want to migrate an old server to a new one. Off
> course, to xen 2.0.7.
> My idea is:
> Dom0 (sarge) with firewall and ssh
> Domu1 (sarge) with Apache2 (wordpress/typo3/horde) and ssh
> Domu2 (gentoo) with postfix, cyrus, mysql
> domu3 (sarge) with jabber1.4 (with transports) and ssh
> domu4 (sarge) build system for building packages for the sarge systems
> But, what i don't know is, do i want files instead of disks? With LVM or
> not (Filesystem XFS) and do i want a own machine for mysqld. I don't
> have to much time for tests, so my hope is, that anybody can give me
> some hints.
> cu denny

In short my understanding is that if you are running an application with a 
lot of io then the best way to go is with disk rather than files. 
Regarding LVM (or EVMS) the advantange is the same as running it under any 
standard kernel-the partition sizes can be adjusted as needed.


John Little
Hendricks Regional Health IS Department

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