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Re: [Xen-users] FC4 Xen install won't boot the xen kernel

On Mon, 2005-09-12 at 11:01 -0400, Rik van Riel wrote:
> On Mon, 12 Sep 2005, Ramiro Brito Willmersdorf wrote:
> > Being of an inquisitive nature myself, I also tried these .rpms.
> > They are causing an instant reboot on my system, a dual athlon MP1900,
> > with an MSI board.
> Oh dear.
> As of yet, I have still not found a xen-unstable snapshot
> that works for everybody...
For kicks, has anyone tried building their own kernel after installing
the Xen rpms? 

I have been using source snaps on my smp athlon with fairly good
results, any tests I have tried with the rpms . The biggest caveat for
me would be I use no modules for boot with the snapshot, where as with
rpm install initrd is loading my scsi, network drivers and ext3 driver.
I usually can fiddle and get some DomU's going but never have any
networking working with rpm install.

Also X related issues on Dom0 on almost every unstable I have tried.
I have a Centos 4.1 with 2.0.7 and X running on Dom0 and so far it seems

Would be curious in the FC4 kernel monolithic plays nicer. 


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