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Re: [Xen-users] Simple problem using IDE Controller Card

> I probably just have a simple problem. I installed a standard Debian
> Sarge with a 2.4.27 Kernel. Running this it correctly finds my IDE
> Controller (Promise Ultra 100 TX2) and gives the HD the device name
> hde. Using the standard Xen Kernel (2.6.12) it can not find the hard
> drive anymore!
> I am not so familiar with kernel issues, so i would be pleased if
> someone could help me where to start!
The default Xen kernel config might not have that driver turned on. If
you know which driver your hardware uses (try doing lsmod in native
linux to find it), go into your Xen source tree, cd into
linux-2.6.12-xen, then do a "make ARCH=xen menuconfig". Find the driver
and turn it on, then cd .. and do a "make KERNELS=linux-2.6-xen kernels"
to recompile it. Install the recompiled kernel and you should be good to

You can try to compile it as a module instead, but then you will need an
initrd so the module is available before root is mounted. It is much
less effort to just compile it into the kernel.


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