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[Xen-users] Openswan and xen problems

I'm trying to build a RoadWarrior VPN Gateway using openswan 2.4.0rc3 on
a xen 2.0.7 domU.  I'm having a bit of trouble and before I beat my head
against the wall for hours, I was wondering if anyone else has done this
and can give me some pointers.

I am not using L2TP so I should not have the driver problem.  When I
disable ipsec on both the xen station and the CyberGuard SG580 were
using for testing as the office gateway (as opposed to the RAS gateway),
they can ping each other fine.  When I enable ipsec, it's as if the xen
station does not want to listen to the SG.  The SG sends MI1 and there
is no response.  The xen device sends MI1, the SG send MR1 and xen
ignores it.

The same configuration with a non-xen gateway works fine.  Please don't
spend lots of time on this as I should put more time in myself before
really crying for help but, if someone has done this or knows what the
problem is, please let me know.  Thanks - John
John A. Sullivan III
Open Source Development Corporation
+1 207-985-7880

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