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Re: [Xen-users] Guest O/S Questions

Hi Anthony,

Anthony Liguori wrote:
> Marcus Brown wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> This looks quite interesting, however I'm confused about the partition
>> table issue. AFAIK the bootloader takes the first 446 bytes of the first
>> sector on the partition, and the partition table is the last 64 bytes of
>> this same sector (a sector being 512 bytes).
>> Your dd command skips the first 63 sectors of the image.
>> How does this produce a workable disk image?
> You're right.  fdisk (and AFAIK, modern partitioning tools) prefer to
> start partitions on the first cylinder boundary.  The assumption here is
> that each cylinder contains 63 sectors.

OK, but why skip this cylinder?
If you are creating an image with multiple partitions won't you need to
keep the partition table intact?


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