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[Xen-users] ttylinux and Error creating domain: vbd: Segment not found - newbie


It could be that I did something silly ; I am
quite a newbie to xen.

I am trying to use the ttylinux example according to the docs.

Here are the steps I had performed:
I had booted into xen (I am using xen-testing-2.0).
running uname -a shows : 2.6.11-xen0.
I had started X windows.
I had downloaded the ttylinux-xen.bz2 from bz2
I had unzipped it: a file named ttylinux-xen was created (16M).
I had created a directory named /root/ttylinux
I had moved the ttylinux-xen to /root/ttylinux.
I had created a directory named /root/ttylinux/mnt
I had mounted it on a loop device thus:
mount -o loop ttylinux-xen mnt
and it succeeded.

I had changed /etc/xen/xmexample1 so now it includes the following:
disk = ['file:/root/ttylinux/mnt,sda1,w']
root = "/dev/sda1 ro"
I try:
xm create /etc/xen/xmexample1
And I get:
Error: **Error creating domain: vbd: Segment not found: uname=file:/root/ttylinux/mnt

ls /root/ttylinux/mnt gives:

bin   dev  home  lost+found  proc  sbin  tmp  var
boot  etc  lib   mnt         root  sys   usr

what did I do wrong?

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