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[Xen-users] Aiii cpu is toast


    I've been trying to make Xen 2.0 work on a compac evo N800C laptop. But I am getting an error that say, that there is no more memory for the kernel and then the message Aiii cpu is toast, then re reboots in 5 sec.

I looked into the archives and didn't found a clue that helped me much on this one.

>From what I can see from the output is that he dont see the virtual ram.

I am starting Xen from grub with those options

title ....
kernel /xen.gz dom0_mem=128M
module /vmlinuz-2.6.10-xen0 root=/dev/hda3 ro console=tty0

This laptop have 512M of ram, I also tryed to start it with different value for the ram, like 256 witouth any success.

How can I get the dmesg from the boot of the domain 0? By the way the box is working normally and I am using Gentoo 2005.0.

Daniel Paquet
Administrateur Systèmes
Consultant et revendeur autorisé Linspire

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