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[Xen-tools] [RFC] Example XML-RPC server for xenstat statistics collection framework

Hello everyone!

The attached tarball contains two example XML-RPC servers making use of
the xenstat framework.  One is in Python, making use of the libxenstat
Python bindings and the Python SimpleXMLRPCServer module.  The other is
in C, using libxenstat's C API and the xmlrpc-c library. 

Note that in the current Xen unstable tree, the xenstat framework and
scripting language bindings are currently built statically and not
installed, so these example programs won't build against current Xen
unstable.  You will need to change tools/xenstat/libxenstat/Makefile to
uncomment the code to build and install the shared library and scripting
language bindings.


Attachment: xenstatd.tar.gz
Description: application/compressed-tar

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