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[XenPPC] 64bit apps in DomU should get a more useful error message

#include <stdio.h>
  printf ("Hello World!\n");

Compiled (on Dom0):
gcc -m32 hellobit.c -o hellobit.32
gcc -m64 hellobit.c -o hellobit.64

Now Executed in a xenppc DomU
Hello World!
-bash: ./hellobit.64: No such file or directory

As far as I remember xenppc DomU systems are 32bit (please correct me if not) even if our kernel may say otherwise:
uname -a
Linux linux 2.6.18-Xen #25 SMP Sun Jul 29 00:29:02 CEST 2007 ppc64 ppc64 ppc64 GNU/Linux

I played a bit around with powerpc32 which changes the env so that e.g. uname -m will report a 32bit system, but this did neither help me to get 64bit apps running (expected) nor better error messages. The problem is not that 64bit apps do not run, but I think the message should be something better than "No such file or directory" ->My question now: could/should we add a more sophisticated mechanism to give the user running into this something like "you are not 64bit" ?


Grüsse / regards, Christian Ehrhardt

IBM Linux Technology Center, Open Virtualization
+49 7031/16-3385

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