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insmod? Was: [XenPPC] Cannot boot from local disk

splitting emails
On Oct 6, 2006, at 7:59 AM, Jimi Xenidis wrote:

Kawachiya-san, thank you for the exhaustive analysis!

On Oct 6, 2006, at 7:38 AM, Kiyokuni Kawachiya wrote:

Kawachiya-san, seems that your problem today is different from
yesterday.  You have however not answered any of my questions.

Some people in this list may be confusing, so let me summarize my boot

I am using JS20 (884241X) to run XenPPC, which is booted from local disk
through the /etc/yaboot.conf like this.

      # header section
      partition = 2
      timeout = 600
      default = xen
      # image section
      image = /boot/vmlinux
          label = linux
          root = /dev/hda3
          append = " quiet sysrq=1 insmod=sym53c8xx insmod=ipr"
          initrd = /boot/initrd
      # kawatiya 2006/08/24
      image = /boot/xen-3.0-unstable
          label = xen
          append = "xen -- root=/dev/hda3 sysrq=1 insmod=sym53c8xx

However, I have several boot problems with recent versions.

This yaboot header looks ok.
Is the insmod object comming from the disk or a ramdisk you are imbedding into your Dom0 Image?

I'd be interested in this answer

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