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Re: [XenPPC] heads up: large nasty merge

On Wed, Sep 06, 2006 at 09:16:01AM -0500, Hollis Blanchard wrote:
> Sorry all, there were in fact a whole bunch of files I forgot to check
> in. (It doesn't help that "hg status" on a built tree is full of noise.)

I do my linux builds into a scratch area, for just this reason.  I've
included my xen_build script in case it's of any use as a base for
everyone else.
> Anyways, this should be fixed now.

All builds and boots.

Thanks Hollis.




set -- $( getopt "cdp:" "${@}" )

while [ -n "$1" ] ; do
        case "$1" in
                -c)     _clean=1 ;;
                -d)     _debug=1 ;;
                -p)     _path=$2
                -f)     _full=1 ;;


set -x

pushd .

# Build Linux dom{0,U} and Xen
# Linux - dom0
cd ${_path}/linux-ppc-2.6.hg.working

# don't make mrpropper, as that kills the .config with my custom
# default commandline
if [  $_clean -ne 0 ] ; then
        make O=${_kbuild_dom0} ARCH=powerpc clean
make O=${_kbuild_dom0} ARCH=powerpc zImage

## FIXME: why? this seems just plain wrong.
# The built in commandline seems to break domU, so build a bog
# std. domU kernel.
# Linux - domU
cd ${_path}/linux-ppc-2.6.hg.working

if [  $_clean -ne 0 ] ; then
        make O=${_kbuild_domU} ARCH=powerpc mrproper
        make O=${_kbuild_domU} ARCH=powerpc xen_maple_defconfig
make O=${_kbuild_domU} ARCH=powerpc zImage

# Build XEN
cd ${_path}/xenppc-unstable.hg.working/
[  $_clean -ne 0 ] && make clean
make debug=y optimize=0 crash_debug=y                           \
        CMDLINE="console=com1 gdb=com1 earlygdb=y"              \
        DOM0_IMAGE=${_kbuild_dom0}/arch/powerpc/boot/zImage dist-xen
# Always rebuilf the tools.
make debug=y optimize=0 crash_debug=y -C tools clean
make debug=y optimize=0 crash_debug=y dist-tools

# If asked nicely builkd the debug stuff aswell
if [ $_debug -ne 0 ] ; then
        make cscope
        make debug

# Display status data for quick checking
# Linux - dom0
cd ${_path}/linux-ppc-2.6.hg.working
readelf -a ${_kbuild_dom0}/vmlinux | egrep xen_guest
# Linux - domU

# Xen
cd ${_path}/xenppc-unstable.hg.working/xen
md5sum xen

# Distribute files
# Linux - dom0
# Linux - domU
rsync -aze ssh ${_kbuild_domU}/vmlinux.strip root@blade4:/root
# Xen
cd ${_path}/xenppc-unstable.hg.working
rsync -aze ssh xen/xen bran:
rsync -aze ssh dist install.sh tony@blade4:/scratch/xen_install/


Yours Tony

   linux.conf.au       http://linux.conf.au/ || http://lca2007.linux.org.au/
   Jan 15-20 2007      The Australian Linux Technical Conference!

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