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Re: [XenPPC] [pushed] [ppc] fix open pic initalization for g5.

Hollis Blanchard wrote:
static int find_mpic(void)
    rc = find_mpic_simple_probe(oft_p);

    if (rc < 0) {
        DBG("%s: Searching for pic ...\n", __func__);
        rc = find_mpic_canonical_probe(oft_p);

    return rc;

Aside from some stylistic issues around 'opic_flags', why do we even
have two paths here? If the "canonical" probe always works, let's always
use it.

The canonical probe does not work on mambo. I have not tested the canonical probe on a maple. The canonical probe does not work on a js20, where we might have to switch at looking at the content of the property compatible. However this also requires slightly different interfaces against the ofd tree, the compatible property consisting of null separated string, and our required match going against a subset of the value of said property.

I can work on this another couple of days truly, but I do not consider this priority. Let discuss at status how should we in general approach these problems.

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