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RE: [Xen-ia64-devel][PATCH] support more than 8vcpu for windowssever 2003 SP1

On Fri, 2007-05-18 at 07:56 -0700, Yang, Fred wrote:
> Alex,
> Windows Server SP1 will show running 16cpus on native Tiger4 systems.
> With this patch the Guest Windows can get to the same behavior rather
> than only 8 vcpus without patch.  For Datacenter version, it is shows
> the similar behavior.

  Define "similar".  Is "Datacenter" also limited to 8 CPUs on a VTi
domain?  If so, why?  Datacenter runs on more than 8-way native, Mad9M
systems, so why must we pretend to have multi-core processors for it to
work on VTi?  Thanks,


Alex Williamson                             HP Open Source & Linux Org.

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