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[Xen-ia64-devel] Xen/IA64 Healthiness Report -Cset#13433

  • To: "xen-ia64-devel" <xen-ia64-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • From: "You, Yongkang" <yongkang.you@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 11:13:40 +0800
  • Delivery-date: Mon, 15 Jan 2007 19:13:36 -0800
  • List-id: Discussion of the ia64 port of Xen <xen-ia64-devel.lists.xensource.com>
  • Thread-index: Acc5HFGyGNLlXuvuSWi6WRh+wc3FBQ==
  • Thread-topic: [Xen-ia64-devel] Xen/IA64 Healthiness Report -Cset#13433

Xen/IA64 Healthiness Report
The latest changeset testing results are very stable. 
Both UP and SMP VTI domain can be created up in 1 minute. 

Testing Environment:
Platform: Tiger4
Processor: Itanium 2 Processor
Logic Processors number: 8 (2 processors with Due Core)
Service OS: RHEL4u3 IA64 SMP with 2 vcpus & 1G memory
VTI Guest OS: RHEL4u2 & RHEL4u3
XenU Guest OS: RHEL4u2
Xen IA64 Unstable tree: 13433:a2b2b2a011f1
Xen Schedule: credit
VTI Guest Firmware Flash.fd.2006.12.01 MD5:

Summary Test Report:
  Total cases: 16
  Passed:    16
  Failed:     0

Case Name             Status           Case Description
Four_SMPVTI_Coexist    pass       4 VTI (mem=256, vcpus=2)
Two_UP_VTI_Co         pass       2 UP_VTI (mem=256)
One_UP_VTI            pass        1 UP_VTI (mem=256)
One_UP_XenU          pass        1 UP_xenU(mem=256)
SMPVTI_LTP            pass        VTI (vcpus=4, mem=512) run LTP
SMPVTI_and_SMPXenU   pass      1 VTI + 1 xenU (mem=256 vcpus=2)
Two_SMPXenU_Coexist    pass        2 xenU (mem=256, vcpus=2)
One_SMPVTI_4096M      pass      1 VTI (vcpus=2, mem=4096M)
SMPVTI_Network          pass      1 VTI (mem=256,vcpu=2) and 'ping'
SMPXenU_Network        pass      1 XenU (vcpus=2) and 'ping'
One_SMP_XenU          pass       1 SMP xenU (vcpus=2)
One_SMP_VTI            pass       1 SMP VTI (vcpus=2)
SMPVTI_Kernel_Build      pass      VTI (vcpus=4) and do Kernel Build
Four_SMPVTI_Coexist      pass      4 VTI domains( mem=256, vcpu=2)
SMPVTI_Windows          pass      SMPVTI windows(vcpu=2)
SMPWin_SMPVTI_SMPxenU  pass      SMPVTI Linux/Windows & XenU
UPVTI_Kernel_Build       pass       1 UP VTI and do kernel build

The last stable changeset:


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