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Re: [Xen-ia64-devel] Modify to introduce delayed p2m table destruction

Some comments.
- Probably IA64 specific code paths assume that if the p2m conversion
  gives valid mfn, then the page isn't free.
  Your patch breaks it. I haven't check it though.
- Why shadow prefix? it isn't related to shadow.

On Thu, Nov 02, 2006 at 07:05:38PM +0900, DOI Tsunehisa wrote:
> Hi all,
>   We've modified to introduce delayed p2m table destruction like x86 code.
>   This modification can avoid the hypervisor crash during destrcuting
> a domain with copy receiver of VNIF.
>   Our modification has:
>   * split relinquish_mm with two parts
>     + shadow_teardown()
>       - renamed from relinquish_mm.
>       - removed codes for p2m table destrcution.
>       - called at domain_kill phase
>     + shadow_final_teardown()
>       - includes codes for p2m table destruction.
>       - called at domain_destruct phase
>   * remove preliminary code to avoid hypervisor crash.
>     + gmfn_to_mfn_foreign()
>       - in current code, it includes preliminary code to avoid
> hypervisor crash.
>       - this modification has made redundant it.
>   In our test, it successes to avoid hypervisor crash during destructing
> domains
> with PV-on-HVM VNIF (it uses copy receiver).
> Thanks,
> - Tsunehisa Doi


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