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Re: [Xen-ia64-devel] crash on xen-ia64-unstable 11810:fcd746cf4647

Hi, Aron and Alex

It may be so, we need to add the patch into patches/ directory.
I had thought xen-ia64-unstable was not needed because
it was linux kernel problem. 
Alex, do you also think necessry? 
I can post the new patch. 

Best Regards,

Akio Takebe

>Akio Takebe wrote:  [Tue Oct 17 2006, 05:19:06PM EDT]
>> Hi, Aron
>> Do you use FC6? If so, it's compiler issue.
>> Please see the following link.
>> I posted a patch to fix it.
>> https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-ia64-list/2006-August/msg00059.html
>Thanks Akio, that was the problem.  I switched to a Gentoo compiler
>and the problem went away.
>I wonder if the patch should be applied to xen-ia64-unstable.hg even
>though it is already fixed in linux-2.6.18.  The eventual merge should
>be easy, and it enables Fedora users to work with xen-ia64-unstable
>bits.  What do you think?

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