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RE: [Xen-ia64-devel] [FYI] Recipe of Booting up the latest Xen

I remembered that several people ever cried for same request and some others 
also threw out good receipts like following. Then... is it possible to record 
such receipts in the repository, to avoid future duplicated post on same 
puzzle? :-)


>From: Akio Takebe
>Sent: 2006年5月29日 22:44
>Hi, Rodrigo
>My RHEL4 recipe is the below.
>This recipe is not tested, but almost correct. ;-)
>If you have a problem, then please let me know.
>My enviroment is;
>  Machine  : Tiger4
>  Dom0 OS  : RHEL4 U2
>  DomU OS  : RHEL4 U2
>Build xen
> 1. Download source
>    # hg clone http://xenbits.xensource.com/ext/xen-ia64-unstable.hg
> 2. # make world -j4
> 3. # make install-tools
> 4. copy kernels and xen
>    # cp xen/xen.gz /boot/efi/efi/redhat/
>    # cp linux-
> 5. make initrd for Dom0/DomU
>    # cd linux-
>    # make modules_install
>    # mkinitrd -f /boot/efi/efi/redhat/initrd-
> --builtin mptbase --builtin mptscsih
>    # cd ..
>Make OSimg for DomU
> 1. make file
>    # dd if=/dev/zero of=/root/rhel4.img bs=1M count=4096
>    # mke2fs -F -j /root/rhel4.img
>    # mount -o loop /root/rhel4.img /mnt
>    # cp -ax /{dev,var,etc,usr,bin,sbin,lib} /mnt
>    # mkdir /mnt/{root,proc,sys,home,tmp}
> 2. modify DomU's fstab
>    # vi /mnt/etc/fstab
>       /dev/hda1   /            ext3    defaults        1 1
>       none        /dev/pts     devpts  gid=5,mode=620  0 0
>       none        /dev/shm     tmpfs   defaults        0 0
>       none        /proc        proc    defaults        0 0
>       none        /sys         sysfs   defaults        0 0
> 3. modify inittab (runlevel)
>    # vi /mnt/etc/inittab
>       id:3:initdefault:
> 4. add tty0 into /etc/securetty
>    # vi /mnt/etc/securetty (add tty0)
> 5. umount
>    # umount /mnt
>Boot Xen
> 1. replace elilo
>    download from the below
>    http://elilo.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/blosxom
>    and copy into /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/
>    # cp elilo-3.6-ia64.efi /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/elilo.efi
> 2. modify elilo.conf
>    # vi /boot/efi/EFI/redhat/elilo.conf
>     prompt
>     timeout=20
>     default=xen
>     relocatable
>     image=vmlinuz-
>             label=xen
>             vmm=xen.gz
>             initrd=initrd-
>             read-only
>             append="com2=115200,8n1 console=com2  -- nomca
>nosmp console=tty0 console=ttyS1,115200,8n1 rhgb root=/dev/sda2"
>     image=vmlinuz-2.6.9-22.EL
>             label=linux
>             initrd=initrd-2.6.9-22.EL.img
>             read-only
>             append="rhgb root=/dev/sda2"
> 3. make config of DomU
>   # vi /etc/xen/rhel4
>     kernel = "/boot/efi/efi/redhat/vmlinuz-"
>     memory = 384
>     name = "rhel4"
>     nics=0
>     disk = [ 'file:/root/rhel4.img,hda1,w' ]
>     root = "/dev/hda1 ro"
>     extra = "3"
> 4. After boot xen and dom0, start xend
>   # /etc/init.d/xend start
>   ( In the debugging case, # XEND_DEBUG=1 xend trace_start )
> 5. start domU
>   # xm create -c rhel4
>Best Regards,
>Akio Takebe
>Xen-ia64-devel mailing list

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