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Re: Fwd: [Xen-ia64-devel] Installing XEN/ia64 on Debian

On Mon, 2006-05-08 at 17:36 -0300, Rodrigo Lord wrote:
> Hi Alex! :)
> Do you have an step-to-step of how to install XEN on Debian(ia64) ?
> I'm with difficults to install...
> I was following an article (but it was to Red Hat) :(
> Can you paste here your elilo.conf ?

Hi Rodrigo,

   No, I don't have a howto, I can send you the output of my dpkg
--get-selections though as a starting point if that would help.  One
important note, Debian has some xen-utils type packages.  Those are for
Xen-2.0, do not install them and if you have installed them, dpkg
--purge them.  The Debian packages for Xen-3.0 are just now starting to
show up in unstable.  I have a couple kludges to avoid installing things
on my build machine:

# ln -s /bin/true ~/bin/installkernel
# ln -s /bin/true ~/bin/mkboot

I netboot xen/xen.gz and linux-2.6.16-xen/vmlinux.gz (xenlinuz) as built
from 'make world' using the following elilo.conf entry:

        append="sync_console dom0_mem=800M max_addr=64G -- nomca root=/dev/sda2 
xencons=ttyS8 console=ttyS8"

On the test system, you need to do 'make tools && make install-tools'.

I'm using the serial console for output.  Note that I use ttyS8 as a
workaround for the builtin serial driver claiming ttyS0-7.  At some
point we should probably make the serial driver a module as Xen/x86 has
done.  Another strange thing is that while I specify console=ttyS8, I
only run a login getty on ttyS0 as the xencons device is by default
configured for output only.  If you're running on a HP ia64 system, make
sure you only have one output device configured for console output
(preferably the serial console).  Also, if you're running on an HP
zx6000, zx2000, or rx2600 make sure you update to the latest available
firmware (2.31).  The max_addr= option is yet another temporary
workaround until we have the changes in place for dom0 memory and avoids
large holes in the memory map.  The dom0_mem= option is not required,
but if you specify this, be sure to keep it relatively small, ~800MB is
currently the max on HP ia64 systems, others have reported more on
different hardware.  Thanks,


Alex Williamson                             HP Linux & Open Source Lab

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