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Re: [PATCH] misra: add deviation for MISRA C Rule R11.1.

On Wed, 11 Dec 2024, Jan Beulich wrote:
> On 11.12.2024 12:05, Alessandro Zucchelli wrote:
> > Rule 11.1 states as following: "Conversions shall not be performed
> > between a pointer to a function and any other type".
> > 
> > In "xen/common/bug.c", in order to get additional debug information,
> > pointer "bug_fn_t *fn" in the data section is converted to a function
> > pointer, which is then used to get such information.
> If the pointer converted pointed into the data section, it would fault
> upon being used to call what it points to, for the lack of execute
> permissions there.
> The change itself looks okay to me, but the description imo needs
> updating, to be as precise as possible.

What about:

In "xen/common/bug.c", in order to get additional debug information,
pointer "bug_fn_t *fn" is converted to a function pointer, which is then
used to get such information.




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