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Re: [PATCH v2] docs: fusa: Add Assumption of Use (AoU)

On 11/09/2024 12:24, Ayan Kumar Halder wrote:

On 11/09/2024 10:55, Julien Grall wrote:

On 11/09/2024 10:44, Ayan Kumar Halder wrote:
From: Michal Orzel <michal.orzel@xxxxxxx>

AoU are the assumptions Xen relies on other components (eg platform, domains) to fulfill its requirements. In our case, platform means a combination of
hardware, firmware and bootloader.

We have defined AoU in the intro.rst and added AoU for the generic timer.

Signed-off-by: Michal Orzel <michal.orzel@xxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Ayan Kumar Halder <ayan.kumar.halder@xxxxxxx>
Changes from :-

v1 - 1. Removed the part of requirement which states that Xen exposes the
frequency of the system timer by reading the "clock-frequency" property.

2. Added a rationale for AoU.

3. Reworded the AoU.

  .../reqs/design-reqs/arm64/generic-timer.rst  | 24 ++++++++++++++++++-
  docs/fusa/reqs/intro.rst                      | 10 ++++++++
  2 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/docs/fusa/reqs/design-reqs/arm64/generic-timer.rst b/ docs/fusa/reqs/design-reqs/arm64/generic-timer.rst
index f2a0cd7fb8..86d84a3c40 100644
--- a/docs/fusa/reqs/design-reqs/arm64/generic-timer.rst
+++ b/docs/fusa/reqs/design-reqs/arm64/generic-timer.rst
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Read system counter frequency
  Xen shall expose the frequency of the system counter to the domains in
-CNTFRQ_EL0 register and/or domain device tree's "clock-frequency" property.
+CNTFRQ_EL0 register.

This either wants to be split or explained in the commit message.

Yes, I will explain this in the commit message. Does the following sound fine ?


docs: fusa: Add Assumption of Use (AoU)

AoU are the assumptions that Xen relies on other components (eg platform, domains)
to fulfill its requirements. In our case, platform means a combination of
hardware, firmware and bootloader.

We have defined AoU in the intro.rst and added AoU for the generic timer.

Also, fixed a requirement to denote that Xen shall **not** expose the system counter frequency via the "clock-frequency" device tree property. The reason being the device tree documentation strongly discourages the use of this peoperty. Further if the "clock-frequency" is exposed, then it overrides the value programmed in the CNTFRQ_EL0 register.

So, the frequency shall be exposed via the CNTFRQ_EL0 register only and consequently there is an assumption on the platform to program the register correctly.



Reviewed-by: Julien Grall <jgrall@xxxxxxxxxx>


Julien Grall



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