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Re: [XEN PATCH v2] automation/eclair_analysis: substitute deprecated service STD.emptrecd

On 2024-04-19 11:21, Jan Beulich wrote:
On 19.04.2024 09:49, Nicola Vetrini wrote:
On 2024-04-19 09:35, Jan Beulich wrote:
On 19.04.2024 09:16, Nicola Vetrini wrote:
The ECLAIR service STD.emptrecd is being deprecated; hence, as a
measure, STD.anonstct is used here, which for Xen's purposes has

I'm sorry, but no, this still does not clarify things enough. It is
entirely unclear how "empty record" can reasonably be substituted by
"anonymous struct". Even the expansion of the respective abbreviations
continues to be just a guess.

anonstct checks for structs with no named members,

So "anonstct" != "anonymous structures". As indicated, part of the
description wants to be de-ciphering of these acronyms, so they can
make sense to readers.


hence also empty
structs, but only the former is an undefined behaviour for C99.

Would this be a sufficiently clear explanation for you?

"The ECLAIR service STD.emptrecd (which checks for empty structures) is being deprecated; hence, as a preventive measure, STD.anonstct (which checks for structures with no named members, an UB in C99) is used here; the latter being a more general case than the previous one, this change does not affect the analysis. This new service is already supported by the current version of ECLAIR."

Nicola Vetrini, BSc
Software Engineer, BUGSENG srl (https://bugseng.com)



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