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[PATCH] xen/riscv: check whether the assembler has Zbb extension support

Update the argument of the as-insn for the Zbb case to verify that
Zbb is supported not only by a compiler, but also by an assembler.

Signed-off-by: Oleksii Kurochko <oleksii.kurochko@xxxxxxxxx>
 xen/arch/riscv/arch.mk | 3 ++-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/xen/arch/riscv/arch.mk b/xen/arch/riscv/arch.mk
index 53f3575e7d..6c53953acb 100644
--- a/xen/arch/riscv/arch.mk
+++ b/xen/arch/riscv/arch.mk
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ riscv-march-$(CONFIG_RISCV_ISA_C)       := $(riscv-march-y)c
 riscv-generic-flags := $(riscv-abi-y) -march=$(riscv-march-y)
-zbb := $(call as-insn,$(CC) $(riscv-generic-flags)_zbb,"",_zbb)
+zbb_insn := "andn t0, t0, t0"
+zbb := $(call as-insn,$(CC) $(riscv-generic-flags)_zbb,${zbb_insn},_zbb)
 zihintpause := $(call as-insn, \



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