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Re: [RFC PATCH v2] xen/arm: improve handling of load/store instruction decoding

On Thu, 07 Mar 2024 12:43, Michal Orzel <michal.orzel@xxxxxxx> wrote:

On 07/03/2024 11:02, Manos Pitsidianakis wrote:

Hi Michal, Alex,

I'm responding to Michel but also giving my own review comments here.

On Thu, 07 Mar 2024 10:40, Michal Orzel <michal.orzel@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Alex,

NIT: RFC tag is no longer needed.

On 06/03/2024 17:56, Alex Bennée wrote:

While debugging VirtIO on Arm we ran into a warning due to memory
being memcpy'd across MMIO space. While the bug was in the mappings
the warning was a little confusing:

  (XEN) d47v2 Rn should not be equal to Rt except for r31
  (XEN) d47v2 unhandled Arm instruction 0x3d800000
  (XEN) d47v2 Unable to decode instruction

The Rn == Rt warning is only applicable to single register load/stores
so add some verification steps before to weed out unexpected accesses.

While at it update the Arm ARM references to the latest version of the

Signed-off-by: Alex Bennée <alex.bennee@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Manos Pitsidianakis <manos.pitsidianakis@xxxxxxxxxx>
Move the CC line after --- so that it's not included in the final commit msg.

  - use single line comments where applicable
  - update Arm ARM references
  - use #defines for magic numbers
 xen/arch/arm/decode.c | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++------
 xen/arch/arm/decode.h | 57 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
 2 files changed, 79 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/xen/arch/arm/decode.c b/xen/arch/arm/decode.c
index 2537dbebc1..73a88e4701 100644
--- a/xen/arch/arm/decode.c
+++ b/xen/arch/arm/decode.c
@@ -87,15 +87,36 @@ static int decode_arm64(register_t pc, mmio_info_t *info)
         return 1;

+    /* Check this is a load/store of some sort */
+    if ( (opcode.top_level.op1 & TL_LDST_OP1_MASK) != TL_LDST_OP1_VALUE )
+    {
+        gprintk(XENLOG_ERR, "Not a load/store instruction op1=%u\n",
+                opcode.top_level.op1);
+        goto bad_loadstore;
+    }
+    /* We are only expecting single register load/stores */
+    if ( (opcode.ld_st.op0 & LS_SREG_OP0_MASK) != LS_SREG_OP0_VALUE )
+    {
+        gprintk(XENLOG_ERR, "Not single register load/store op0=%u\n",
NIT: missing 'a' between Not and single

+                opcode.ld_st.op0);
+        goto bad_loadstore;
+    }
-     * Refer Arm v8 ARM DDI 0487G.b, Page - C6-1107
-     * "Shared decode for all encodings" (under ldr immediate)
-     * If n == t && n != 31, then the return value is implementation defined
-     * (can be WBSUPPRESS, UNKNOWN, UNDEFINED or NOP). Thus, we do not support
-     * this. This holds true for ldrb/ldrh immediate as well.
+     * Refer Arm v8 ARM DDI 0487J.a, Page - K1-12586
+     *
+     * STR (immediate) CONSTRAINED UNPREDICTABLE behaviour
+     *
+     * "If the instruction encoding specifies pre-indexed addressing or
+     * post-indexed addressing, and n == t && n != 31, then one of the
+     * following behaviors must occur:" UNDEFINED, NOP or UNKNOWN
+     *
+     * Execution @ EL0/EL1 when HCR_EL2.TIDCP is 1 traps to EL2 with
+     * EC = 0.
-     * Also refer, Page - C6-1384, the above described behaviour is same for
-     * str immediate. This holds true for strb/strh immediate as well
+     * This also hold true for LDR (immediate), Page K1-12581 and
+     * the RB/RH variants of both.
     if ( (opcode.ldr_str.rn == opcode.ldr_str.rt) && (opcode.ldr_str.rn != 31) 
diff --git a/xen/arch/arm/decode.h b/xen/arch/arm/decode.h
index 13db8ac968..188114a71e 100644
--- a/xen/arch/arm/decode.h
+++ b/xen/arch/arm/decode.h
@@ -24,17 +24,54 @@
 #include <asm/processor.h>

- * Refer to the ARMv8 ARM (DDI 0487G.b), Section C4.1.4 Loads and Stores
- * Page 318 specifies the following bit pattern for
- * "load/store register (immediate post-indexed)".
+ * Refer to the ARMv8 ARM (DDI 0487J.a)
- * 31 30 29  27 26 25  23   21 20              11   9         4       0
+ * Section C A64 Instruct Set Encoding
This line is not needed

I think it is needed for context (it answers the question "what is
C4.1?" in the following line.

+ *
+ * C4.1 A64 instruction set encoding:
NIT: I would put a comma after section number i.e. C4.1, A64 ...
The same would apply in other places.

Style manuals use either space (like here), a period (.) or colon (:),
never a comma.
Since it's a NIT, I'm not going to object. I just care about readability, we do 
need to adhere to any "style manuals".

I agree about readability :) the manuals mention was not an appeal to authority, just a sign of what is more common out there hence readable for more people. It is a nitpicking and subjective of course, so I'm not arguing for/against it, just sharing my 2 cents.

+ *
+ *   31  30  29 28  25 24                                             0
  * ___________________________________________________________________
- * |size|1 1 1 |V |0 0 |opc |0 |      imm9     |0 1 |  Rn     |  Rt   |
- * |____|______|__|____|____|__|_______________|____|_________|_______|
+ * |op0 | x  x |  op1 |                                               |
+ * |____|______|______|_______________________________________________|
+ *
+ * op0 = 0 is reserved
I'm not sure how to read it. It is reserved provided op1 is also 0.

Yes, it should say something like:

Decode field values op0 = 0, op1 = 0 are reserved.
Values op0 = 1, op1 = x1x0 correspond to Loads and Stores

+ * op1 = x1x0 for Loads and Stores
+ *
+ * Section C4.1.88 Loads and Stores
Missing colon at the end?

It's a heading so a colon would not be appropriate.
In this case why was it added before in:
"C4.1 A64 instruction set encoding:"

It should be removed from that, good point. Or at least put a colon here and in all headers for consistency.

+ *
+ *  31    28 27   26   25  24 23 22 21      16 15  12 11 10 9        0
+ * ___________________________________________________________________
+ * |  op0   | 1 | op1 | 0 | op2 |  |    op3   |      | op4 |          |
+ * |________|___|_____|___|_____|__|__________|______|_____|__________|
+ *

Maybe we should add the op{0,1,2,3,4} values for consistency?

Values op0=xx11, op1=0, op2=0x, op3=0xxxxx, op4=01 correspond to
Load/store register (immediate post-indexed)
I think this should stay neutral in case we add a new emulation in a future.

Do you mean for future Arm versions? decode.{c,h} should definitely be more future-proof... I think it's okay in this case only because the comment block starts with the source's name "ARMv8 ARM (DDI 0487J.a)". I don't object however to what you're saying, either is fine for me!

+ * Page C4-653 Load/store register (immediate post-indexed)
+ *
+ * 31 30 29  27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20           12 11 10 9    5 4     0
+ * ___________________________________________________________________
+ * |size|1 1 1 |V | 0 0 | opc |0 |      imm9     | 0 1 |  Rn  |  Rt   |
+ * |____|______|__|_____|_____|__|_______________|_____|______|_______|
 union instr {
     uint32_t value;
+    struct {
+        unsigned int ign2:25;
Here, your numeration of ignore fields is in descending order (starting from 
lsb) but ..,

+        unsigned int op1:4;     /* instruction class */
+        unsigned int ign1:2;
+        unsigned int op0:1;     /* value = 1b */
Why op0 = 0b1 ? This structure represents the generic bit layout (the emulation 
deals with single ldr/str).
I would drop this comment.

It is a reserved bit which can never be 0.
Where did you take this information from?

As I wrote above, I don't think we should bind this union to a single use case we currently have.
The struct top_level should represent the generic encoding of A64 instruction.

C4.1, page C4-400. op0 is only zero in the reserved (unallocated) case, for the generic encoding.




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